Monday, February 1, 2010

Sometimes I think I sound like the grownups in Charlie Brown cartoons.... the rest of the time I KNOW I do

I just watched What Not To Wear-episode 250- and was so happy to see they gave me a makeover!

Okay. It wasn't actually me, but it was someone of my age, with my body shape and my sense of fashion.

They even gave her a great RED hair color that I would love to have.

Crizti looked HOT! And if she can look that HOT! I know I can too.

HeMan Hubby even commented on how great her hair looked and said- "Hey Hon, you would look good with that hair and your pale skin in the winter".

Yes, he was paying me a compliment... no, he isn't always good at it.

But, he tries.

Time to re-think my current wardrobe of sweats and t's.
You KNOW I'm not getting rid of them, but I think I need to add a few more comfortable items that I can throw on and dash out the door in without, well looking like I just THREW them on.

Or looking like a reject from the 80's.... or a Bag Lady... or both.


Melissa B. said...

I KNOW I sound that way to my students at school...SITS sent me by, and I'm glad they did!

Ode to an Inservice

Lynda said...

I have a peculiar attachement to Charlie Brown... the family thought I had lost my marbles when I made them sit through Charlie Brown Christmas... but it was made the year I was born 1965 and I love it. I just relate.

As for Trinny and Suzanna... love them too. I am Suzanna and her tips have changed my whole wardrobe... big boobs and saggy belly.. gone... Go for it... get ye to a hairdresser and do the deed. I recently cut my hair short after years of pretending I looked like Cindy Crawford... when in fact I looked like an old mop. Shorter, blonder and nothing but compliments... you will be amazed how sassy your walk is afterwards. Be sure to pop on some heels for some really wiggle.

oh.. sorry.. babbling on... popped over from SITS.

Anonymous said...

Thanx to you for mentioning me in your blog! Such wonderful comments!
