Thursday, July 15, 2010

Has Oprah forgotten the little people... no, not the leprechauns, the dwindling middle class!

I saw the cover of the August 2010 issue of O magazine the other day.

As usual, Oprah was there, looking all cute in some capris and a cute cardigan over an adorable blouse.

The caption read: Everything Oprah's wearing is under $100!

Well, Hot Dog! I think to myself. I'll check out the resources page and find out where some of those cute clothes came from...

But wait!

I just noticed there are little pointers from the blouse, the pants, the sweater, the belt, the jewelry that lead back to price tags.

Belt- $53 Shoes-$69
Pants- $80 Bracelets- $20-$95
Blouse-$70 Earrings- $44

Okay- so every ARTICLE of clothing and accessories she was wearing was UNDER $100.
Which is a shame cuz I really like those pants. And that sweater. And those cute shoes.

But, unlike Oprah, I have a rather large family on a rather tight budget. $80 pants are definitely NOT on it. Nor are the $55 watch and $70 sweater.

Just once I'd like to see a list of Oprah's faves that real people can afford.
None of these 1000 count egyptian cotton t-shirts that cost $40 each. Or the butt-hugging jeans that start at $110 a pair. Or the oh-so-comfy looking PJ's and robe... I put the price out of my head since I knew I would never be able to afford them, that's how much they are!

So Oprah, if you read my blog in this lifetime of ever, please think about me, er I mean us, the ever-shrinking middle class tax-paying people who are trying to keep up with the rising cost of living while raising healthy, well-adjusted children who will one day be the leaders of the world...
Okay- who may one day be prodictive members of society... close enough, right?

Take pity on us and give a list of your favorite things that we may someday actually be able to buy.

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