Sunday, November 21, 2010

Today is Sunday... a day for recharging the soul

The day of rest.
But in reality, is there ever a day of rest for any of us?
Sleeping in ... all the way to 7am!
Laundry and cleaning and preparing for the week ahead.
These are the things I do on my day of rest.

You will show me the path of life.

In your presence is fullness of joy...

psalm 16:11

But more importantly, my day of rest is my day to recharge my soul.

To take the time to watch the sunlight shining through the window, lighting up the dust motes as the float by.

To take the time to relax with a child or 2 and watch TV... infomercials, Disney movies, Phineas and Ferb... whatever. It's a time to just enjoy spending time doing nothing with them.

To make the time to Thank God that I am able to see the gifts he has given me.

To stop and smell the proverbial roses along life's path and remember that no matter what God will accept me, forgive me, boost me up and walk with me...

For as long as I want him there...
and yes, even if I don't.

1 comment:

Sorta Southern Single Mom said...

Yup... I slept until 7 today too, which was so body has been waking me up no later than 5 this past week. Although I never seem to get any school work done...but today,my son wrapped up his 2nd grade worship workshop and was presented with is bible... it was such a nice day! Helped also by the fact the my football team won!