Friday, May 30, 2014

Traitors and Heroes and... rose-colored glasses

( the views stated here are my very own and you are allowed to disagree... as long as you remember that I respect your right to your views and expect the same courtesy as well...after all, that is what America is all about)

In the news they are promoting the interview with Edward Snowden...
A kid who grew up in my area...
who actually was in elementary school with my son-in-law.

A poll of american viewers has 60% calling him a patriot...
40% a traitor.

I don't have any answers, but...
Seriously, does the American public believe that it is okay for one person to directly jeopardize the lives of operatives around the world because the public NEEDS TO KNOW?

Why do we need to know?
Does knowing make a difference?

Well, actually, I think it does make a difference.
In a bad way.

I know that there are things the government does that I do not know about...
I probably don't even agree with...
But, I accept that in order to make my world a safe place things get done.

Covert operations happen all over the world that John Q Public has no knowledge of...
But these operations make the world a safer place for John Q Public.

And when JQP finds out about these things what does he do?
He complains about the rights of people to privacy and full disclosure...

If JQP would step back and look at the operations that have been declassified and use his imagination to imagine what would have happened if any one of them had not been carried out...

What a very different world we would be living in.

One where we speak German?
One where there are no Jews or any organized religion?
One where Mother Russia is alive and well and covers the entire globe?
One where every state is a separate country?
One where being different, having an opinion, being able to voice an opinion, are punishable by death?

And the list could go on and on and on and on...

So, John Q Public...
instead of complaining about what you see as an infringement on your rights...
stop and think about those rights and why you are able to have them...

Those men and women who have been fighting and dying...
on and off the battlefields of the world...
since Columbus stepped foot in the Americas..
Those HEROES who have been striving to make a difference since the beginning...
They deserve respect...and the same rights as everyone else...

And try, just try, to wrap your mind around the idea that the rest of the world is not a nice place and is filled with bad people...
As is our own country...
and isn't making it harder for those bad people to win...
well, isn't that what all of this is really all about?

Not everything is black and white...
But looking at the world through rose-colored glasses isn't the answer either...

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