Friday, January 16, 2015

Trending Now... winter is cold?

I find it funny...
in the odd kind of way...
that suddenly there is an awareness of the short-comings in the wardrobes of teens across America.


Because contrary to the belief of the moms who are complaining because their kids are heading out the door in freezing temperatures wearing shorts...
This phenomenon IS NOT NEW!

Hey, I just turned 49 the other day and...
you guessed it...

I did not wear a coat to school.
Okay, I did wear pants...
or skirts if the mood struck, but...

Many of the kids I went to school with never wore coats...
and they lived in shorts and a sweat shirt
 (sorry hoodies were not yet 'IN')

My own son, ManBoy, who is 25, wore shorts all the time...
Actually, although he no longer lives at home...
I am pretty darn sure he still wears shorts 99% of the time.

And SIX?
He is 16 now and shorts are definitely the dress code of choice for him and his friends...
no matter what the weather.

So why are all of these mom bloggers and TV hosts suddenly up in arms about the lack of leg covering on kids today?

Perhaps it is because they are now the parent...
Not the child...
and not only have they forgotten that they too, most likely...
dressed just as foolishly in their youth...
and how perplexed and down-right angry their parents were too.


It's just clothes and really...
If the kids aren't cold...
If they refuse to acknowledge the cold...
If they get frost bite...

Well, it's their choice to make...
And I will get them medical attention...

Right after I tell them...

"I Told You So"

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