Hello All!
After so many days away from blogging, it seems that I have finally found a schedule that allows me to blog a more frequently!
I just wanted to post a picture on my newest DHDesign Original piece, The Mini-Rosary Bracelet.
I have been crocheting Rosaries for a few weeks now using beautiful thread and gemstones becuase I think they are just lovely and they make me feel good when I am working on them. While working on one this past week I thought, "Wouldn't be great if you could wear one like jewelry?" and Voila I struck on the idea of a Rosary Bracelet. The one pictured is made of the 1st 2 sets of beads from a traditional Rosary starting at the Cross and going thru the 2nd Decade.To use it to say your rosary you just keep turning it around your wrist as you touch each bead. An easy way to keep your Faith at hand and in your heart.
I have Full Rosary Bracelets that are a Rosary that wraps about 5 times up the arm of the wearer and is quite stunning as well.

My newest undertaking is making Silver charms and pendants of my own design for my jewelry.
It is not easy, but it certainly is fulfilling! I am currently working on a line of Lupus Awareness jewelry- my LA line of products that incluse jewelry, Rosaries, tote bags and even some clothing and accessories if I can keep my memory and my hands on task!
Please be sure to check my website: www.DHDesigns.4t.com often to see where my Imagination is taking me!
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