Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Where Have All the Children Gone...

Yeppers, I am thrilled to be able to wash dishes or clean the floors without any dirty dishes or footprints appearing before they have time to dry! 

I LOVE having the kids home for the summer, but I REALLY LOVE when they go back to school! 

Not only because it gets the kids out of the house, but because it means that the weather will be warm and sunny during the day and cooling a bit at night, the last of the summer flowers will bloom while the chrysanthemums of Fall will start to bud out, and the buzz of bees will soon be a thing of the past as the chill weather sends them to where ever it is they winter over. 
This time of year brings Football and Soccer practices every night of the week with games Friday, Saturday and Sundays! 

It also brings us back to our sports family... those people we spend time with while the kids are practicing, those we share Concession Stand duty with, make banners and posters with, hang out and cheer our teams to Victory with... yes, they are a family and for nearly 6 months every year we spend our evenings and weekends with them. 

It's a darn good thing we like them! 

This year has brought some changes to our lives... we have 2 kids in middle school, leaving only one in the 5th grade of elementary school. 

Our oldest son is still in college, Yeah! 

And while our oldest daughter got married in August and is starting a new life with her husband, our 2nd daughter left for a year abroad to teach. 

Never have we had an empty bedroom in our house, and now we have 2... well one is now HeMan Hubby's office, but it is an empty bedroom!

I am still relegated to the Laundry Room as my Craft Room/Office and have plans to rearrange and redecorate it in the coming months. 

I will try to post more often on the projects and new jewelry and handbags and purses I am designing... and on the kids and how we are all coming along thru the year... 

Thanks for stopping by and come back again soon!

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