Friday, March 4, 2011

Six Degrees of Separation...

No, not the movie with Will Smith that I have never actually seen.

The idea is that every person on earth is only 6 people away from a famous person, or infamous as the case may be... or from someone who knows someone who knows you... confused yet?
I was.

So I go to thinking and...

There's the girl I grew up with who worked with The Greaseman... and then Howard Stern, whose neighbor and  matron of honor in her wedding was Michele Phillips, the famous actress and singer in The Mama and Papas... you know Chyna and Mackenzie Phillips mom.

Then there's Haddaway... the successful singer songwriter in Europe who was my friend and fellow band member in high school.

Montel Williams, who graduated from my kid's high school, the same year as some of my friends in my neighborhood, although he doesn't claim our town as his and he never comes to the reunions.

There are more.. the guy I dated for a minute but stayed friends with from high school who works for a big music company... his title has the word President  or CEO or both in it, whatever...

Then there are the really weird connections like that my ex- mother-in-law used to babysit my current father-in-law's little brother, Johnny... the little brother HeMan Hubby is named for... the one that was killed in a motorcycle accident and taken to the hospital, the very same one my ex-mother-in-law was in that day giving birth to her 3rd child... the one who grew up to become my ex-husband. There was a ceramic Easter egg dish that my ex- mom-in-law set out each year she told me Johnny's mom had made for her as a wedding gift...the signature on the back is HeMan Hubby's grandmother.

And if that's not weird enough... HeMan Hubby's family came to America at the same time and in the same place and were members of the same church and worked together to combat the Indians and the French and the British and then... moved to the state we now live in, to the same place and same time and moved in the same circles for several hundred years!

My kids always say they hate going places with me because I always seem to run into someone I know... and they think I know everyone... and maybe for good reason..

Like BratChild's boyfriend, JM, whose cousin is a friend of mine from high school.

And BratChild's elementary school friend whose mother's cousin is a guy I graduated with and sat next to in almost every class from 7th thru 12th grade and yeah we were in band together.

The  retired Navy guy I met when his boys joined DeMolay only to find out he had moonlighted as a floor guard at the skating rink GoodMom worked at... and she was his boss!

SIX's 3rd grade teacher, who at back to school night I realized was a girl who had been GoodMom's friend in elementary and middle school.

Or SIX's 1st grade teacher, who it turns out was my brother's next door neighbor!

How the owner of the skating rink GoodMom worked at graduated a year ahead of  me in school and we have more than a friend or 2 in common.

That kid I went to elementary school with and had a crush on... only to find out thru FaceBook of all places, that he knows some of the girls I went to nursing school with because he ended up going to their high school and graduated with them- oh and a very good guy friend of mine since middle school who had to spend second half of senior year at that same school.

The Army Major who was a very good friend of mine in high school, who ended up some Big Wig in Iraq who ended up being the person in charge of keeping my sister safe while she was there... and who it turns out is very good friends with a guy I went to elementary school with, the guy who had a crush on my best friend when we were 8, because they ended up at college together and then ended up going thru the ranks in the Army together.

My brother in law's boss who is actually the guy who was ManBoy's school PTA President, the one who got me the discount tickets to Disney World for our family trip for GoodMom's 18th birthday.

I don't really know every one. I mean, there's just no way I could know every one, right?

But I guess it seems they do have a point.

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