Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The World As I See It... feel it too

I have been decidedly lax in my blog posts of late.
Okay, I have been lax for the better part of the summer season.

That, however, was not my intention.
I had intended to write at least 3 days a week, but...

You know how life has a tendency to get in the way.

I resolved to start blogging with more regularity once the kid's soccer and football season, and the ensuing mad rush to be here, get there, do everything at once, had subsided.

Much to my chagrin I realized this was not going as I had planned when I tried to sync my Google calendar with my Blackberry calendar and got an error message that in effect told me that I could not be in 4 places at the same time... every single day of the week.

I figured out a way to over ride this little computer glitch...
Obviously the computer programmer who designed this wonderful syncing tool has never had the pleasure of trying to manage a household that is comprised of teens who are active in sports and youth groups; does not take an active role in community activities and act as an adviser and committee chairperson for these organizations; nor does this computer person try to balance all of this with bill paying schedules, work schedules- for both themselves or their spouse, while trying to keep up with all of the necessary things in life...
like grocery shopping, clothes shopping and being at every HS football game to video tape it for the coach.

And so my life has gone...

Last week I felt awful.
For days I could barely move from my big, comfy couch...

And then, just when I thought I had shaken this, whatever it is...

My back has decided to act up.
I have no memory of pulling it or doing anything out of the ordinary, however...

It is letting me know that my life is too hectic, the pace that I keep far too fast and stressful...

My back is letting me know that the over-booked life that I lead is just too, too much.

Just finding the energy to cook dinner, fold laundry- forget carrying it to the laundry room- or sit long enough to write a blog post is not only difficult, but these seemingly simple tasks are excruciatingly painful and exhausting.

And so...

As I see it, the world is my domain...
and my world, for now, consists of my sofa and my bed and my blessedly soothing jacuzzi tub...

For now, that is enough....

1 comment:

Robin said...

My body frequently gives me similar lectures.

I hope you and your body can come to amicable terms soon. Until then, take care of yourself and let someone else take care of everything else.