Friday, November 12, 2010

What I want to BE when I grow up List

Over at SITS I joined a group with activities to help me find my voice, my blog voice that is, and my audience... again the blog-reading one.

This week we were called to write a list- in 10 minutes- and the grocery list was not the one they meant so... here goes.

This is my list of things that I would like to be... when I grow up, or when my kids do, which ever comes first.

1- a Super Hero- any kind will do... I just think it would be cool to have people actually need me for something other than a meal and clean clothes and as a chauffer.
2-a doctor or a PA or a Nurse Practicioner or an herbal healer or Wise Woman - but not the kind that were burned for being witches.
3-a college graduate... a prerequisite to number 2
4-an acclaimed author... with a real book with my Nom-De-Plum or alter ego's name on the cover.
5-the best person I can be... and not feel guilty for wanting to be ME instead of Mom or Wife or person-you-can-always-count-on...

I know that I will in all likihood not acheive any of these because, let's face it, I am Mom amd Wife and Person-you-can-always-count-on and...

I like who I am and that is probably the thing on my To Be list that matters most...
6-Happy to BE me!


LBDDiaries said...

I like that - #6 - happy to be yourself. Good point - that makes you a wise woman who is a super hero who is actually the best person she can be - so 4 out of 6 is good - and you can work on #3 and #4!!! I like this post!

Shell said...

Moms are super heroes, right? That totally counts!

Stopping over from the Content Tribe!

Robin said...

It's a great list. And even though it doesn't feel like you will ever be any of these things, don't believe it won't happen. There will come a time when your kids are grown and you get to rediscover yourself. If these things are still on your list, you may be able to accomplish all of them.

Until then, it's always nice to like the stage you are in.

Stephanie said...

It's a great list. I had to laugh at #1 -but hey, as my grandmother always told me -you can be whatever you want to be! So ya never know..
Here from Content is King