Wednesday, October 9, 2013

RE- union


The event to celebrate the 30th year since graduating High School is scheduled to take place next  year...
Er, well, it will be scheduled to take place iffin I ever get around to it ...

Sorry- the voice in my head as I typed that was from the housekeeper in 'It's a Wonderful Life' where at the end when everyone comes to George Bailey's house and is dumping money into a hat to help him out and she say's " I been savin' this money for a divorce iffin I ever get me a husband"...

Back to our originally scheduled train of thought...

Already I have been contacted by all and sundry to inquire as to what I am planning... 

Some how some where along the 15th reunion I became the sole reunion committee of one....

Responsible for making all the decisions, ponying up the deposit fees for caterers, rental halls
and park pavilions... 

And I am apparently the keeper of all the minutiae of every single one of my 400-ish class mates and all of their spouses, siblings and friends from the classes before and after ours.

I am seriously considering not planning one for next year just to see if someone else steps in... and if they do? 

I don't know that I want to go just to see the same faces and be asked the same questions and expected to know everything about everyone... 

I am still surprised that anyone in my class remembers me let alone regards me highly enough to think I have all the answers they are looking for.

Maybe it's because I have raised 6 kids...
Or maybe it's because I had a child while in high school...
Or maybe it's because they're all just so thrilled that someone else is picking up their slack...

The only person I really want to see is my best friend since we were 5. 
she does not return my calls or emails for months...
nor does she call or stop by when she comes back to visit her husbands family a couple times a year... 
even though she has to drive right by my house to get there... 

The only friend I had all my life - well since kindergarten at least...
and she's too busy for me and I am tired of always reaching out to keep in touch...
(and I am pretty sure she does NOT read this blog ... but iffin she did at least she would know how I feel and why...)

So, I really don't need a 30th reunion...
I'd really rather stay home... or go to the beach... or move to the beach and then stay home...

Me and  HeMan Hubby can have fun by ourselves, right?

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