Monday, October 7, 2013

To Every Season There is a Purpose... or something like that

I am still here...
well, at least I am still alive and kicking...
and screaming...
and getting in way over my head entirely too often.

But I digress... ( surprise... not)

The new school year has gotten off to a rousing start...
Football for TeenBoy and SIX
Soccer for BratChild
And of course I volunteered to be the 'Team Mom'...
For the ENTIRE high school football program.

Me and my big mouth...
but I do get some help so...
it's not too bad.

I started out last school year with the best of intentions...
I was going to blog on weekends.
I was going to spend afternoons and evenings crafting.
I was going to continue working on my novel.

I did none of these things.

What I did was...

Spend weekends running kids to and from sports practices and events, DeMolay activities and their friends houses so they could "hang out"...

Spend afternoons and evenings (after working an hour late, and not taking lunch, without pay everyday) too tired emotionally and physically to do more than watch TV or fold laundry that someone else must have washed...

Spend not one minute on writing so much as a note to my self , let alone write a measly blog post or even attempt to work on my novel....

And that is not because I am lazy... 
or have nothing to write about... 
because I'm not and I do! 

It's because I have been depressed - creatively speaking- and just could not find any motivation to do anything that I enjoyed...
That made me feel like ME!

So, this year I have dropped the full time under-paid-over-worked school nurse gig...
well, I do that one day a week just cuz I can...
Have gone back to my night time private duty case 3-4 nights a week...
and have started spending time crocheting and finishing furniture and reading...

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose...

That's how it really goes...

And NO it's not a song (Okay it IS a song but it's not JUST a song)...

It is a passage from the bible that has very coincidentally shown up in the last 2 books that I read...
by different authors, from different genres, written in entirely different decades...

So I think that this passage is a sign for me...

A sign to get up off my hiney and ...
Stop procrastinating...
Set my goals and...

I getting things done...
Beginning Now!

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