Monday, March 29, 2021

Welcome to the New and Not-So-Improved Dawning!

 Hey There! 

 I know. 

It has been a month of Sundays and a couple Blue Moons since last I posted here.

Life got in the way... in a HUGE way.

All the kids have graduated high school and grown. 

Some have finished college and have real college degrees! 

 And HeMan Hubby got cancer...     and then he died.                                                                                                  

And just when I thought I was going to be OKAY...

I had to hurry up and sell our home of 25 years before it got foreclosed on... ( that's a whole other story)

So, 1 year ago I moved out of the home The BusyFamily had lived, loved, celebrated and, yes, had hearts broken in, even died in. 

I am now living with SmartGirl and Manchild, in her home.

My credit was destroyed. My life torn to shreds. I have been discarded by people I thought were my friends. I have been cast aside by people who promised to help and care and love me. 

I have been put down and made to feel 'Less Than'.

I have been made to doubt myself and my motives for all that I do.

And in the process of all of this I have had to come to terms with the loss of HeMan Hubby. The loss of the life I had and all that we had planned for our future. I have had to try to figure out who I am, what my purpose is and where, exactly, I fit in in this new life that I never asked for.

So... Many moons ago, I started a blog. I called it Dawning because I was being open, honest and real about my life, and my quest to find myself as my children grew up and no longer needed me. As my husband and I found ourselves with more time together and were learning to be adults who loved each other, liked each other and were still in love with each other.

The turns that LIFE has thrown my way are not unique to me. 

They are not new or rare.

And that is why I am back here. Why I am putting it all out there...

Openly and honestly. My hope is that as I travel this new road, live this life I never wanted...

That you come find a common thread, find some peace, a truth, a connection that brings you along with me, and in the shared journey we are able to find our place, our truth and heal...


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