Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Your Best IS Enough !

Winter Sky Sunset...
How can we not be worthy when Nature gives us such dazzling art to enjoy daily?

My blogging journey had evolved over the years...

I am the wife HeManHubby... or, I was... until he got sick and died 4 years ago.

I am BusyMom to 6 amazing children..

GoodMom, who is still doing great and working and raising FancyPants and GMan;

BratChild, who has graduated with 2 college degrees as single mom, and McCutie is thriving.

After HeMan Hubby died from cancer, I sold the house we built, the one we raised our 6 children in... and moved in with SmartGirl and ManChild. We get along pretty well.

TeenBoy has become an amazing young adult, and now lives in the Pacific Northwest , looks very Grizzly Adams-like and loves the laid back hippy-ish vibe where he and Gypsy fit right in. I guess I'll have to call him GrizzlyMan? Well, he IS nearly 27 now so...

And then there was SIX... what can I say? He, too, is grown, living his own life and doing pretty well at the ripe old age of 23. 

Yes, I am still their mom, but these days not quite the BusyMom I was...

I have endured becoming widowed, contracting Covid-19 and nearly dying, the loss of my ability to work as a nurse due to the long term health complications of something called      Long Covid, or as it is more commonly called- Long Haul Covid and I am a Long Hauler.

I am a survivor of life's challenges, disappointments, smack downs, and completely life altering and soul crushing experiences.

Am I stronger than you?
Am I more resilient than you?
Am I super human, uncaring, unfeeling...
any of the things that people have labeled me through out my life because I keep showing up for me?
What I am is determined to NOT LET THE BAD THINGS WIN!!!
Is it easy... not even a little bit.
Is it worth the effort... HELL YES IT IS...

            AND SO ARE YOU...
            And don't you let any one tell you otherwise!

IG: @dawnranae_h
FB: @colormeeverything
Website: - where all my passions come together

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