Some one spent 2 hours driving up and down the same road looking for the shoe store Saturday.
Did they call for directions?
Was it a guy?
NO. They didn't.
And, amazingly, it wasn't!
Go figure.
It seems as if the insidious affliction of men is now affecting women.
Is there no cure for this, the worst of all man-isms?
Please, God, let there be a cure for NOT STOPPING FOR DIRECTIONS! And let it be found soon!
compass photo courtesy of http://www.memphis.edu
I always get directions although my hubby will try to figure it out on his own. (In his defense, he does have a better sense of direction than I do.)
Stopping by from SITS.
Hi Dawn,
Glad you liked my posting. Thanks for your visit and kind words. I'm following you on GFC! I'm now posting inspiring messages on Facebook. Would you like to exchange “likes” on our fan pages?
Well, I'm one of those who always gets directions BEFORE I go - rarely do I leave the house without map in hand. Otherwise, I'm afraid that little "man-ism" would definitely be a problem for me since I am seriously directionally challenged! Following you now from Mama's Little Nestwork...love your blog!
I don't believe there is a cure.
It is a congenital condition and until we invent the necessary gene therapy, it will be a lifelong condition.
I have it intermittently. Especially in stores. I hate asking people in stores where to find things.
Asking how to GET to the store though, I'm good with that.
I am not entirely rational.
I know this.
Hi Dawn!
You are most welcome. And thank YOU for adding nore positive vibes to the blogosphere! Good luck with your writing! Come back to "Inspire!" any time you would like, and please pass my blog/Facebook page along to your friends!
Yeah, what's the about? Why continue to be directionless when a solution is at the nearest gas station?
GPS has solved this problem pretty well in my car.
Aww...my comment vanished.
It was brilliant, I think.
I've forgotten now.
I'm sure it didn't have very many spelling errors, at least.
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