Or like a basket full of dirty laundry.
You know that basket holds all of the clothes you wore that week.
Shirts, pants, socks...
yes, pairs of socks have gone into that basket...
But as surely as you know you put 2 socks in, you know, without a doubt, 1 will be left, lonely and bereft, in the bottom of the basket.
You can take every precaution to prevent it...
Rolling pairs of dirty socks into balls, safety pinning them in pairs, tying them together...
And still, you KNOW that a sock, or two, will be missing when the laundry is folded and put away.
So, as much as life is filled with lovely surprises, like the raspberry jelly in what looked like a coconut(YUCK)cream chocolate...
It is filled, despite our very best efforts, with lost socks.
And disappointments.
And regrets.
And missed opportunities.
The trick is to turn the lone socks of life into a positive experience.
Like pinning the mate-less loners to sweats and trick-or-treating as The Sock Monster, like SIX did several years ago.
Or wearing mismatched socks every day to show your own sense of style, like BratChild.
Sure, you can stick with the safety of ONLY wearing one color and style of sock so every one exactly matches the others...
But then, where would the fun be in that?
Go on, take a bite of that unknown chocolate... it might turn out to be your favorite!
Then try throwing caution to the wind and head outside wearing one blue and one green sock...
You just might be surprised at how much fun it is to be a little different...
And you just might find life's little problems don't have to be problems after all!
I am going barefoot today. After my beading weekend, I cannot afford them anymore. But hey, spring is here, summer is just around the corner and as soon as I get to play with my newfound treasures, my dazzling new necklace will keep people from noticing the odd socks. I hope...
Ok so I know that socks aren't the *real* point of this post but missing socks drive me nuts. Where do they go? Is there some crazy sock monster hiding in the dryer. Sorry to rant on my first comment on your blog, but seriously it drives me bonkers ;)
Stopping by from SITS
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