Louisiana feeling the effects of the BP Oil Spill

Today's post was going to be about the oil spill in the Gulf.
Rue McClanahan dying much too young.
Why people bash Kate Gosselin for trying to be a mom taking care of her kids while her private life, her husband's indiscretions, the crumbling of her world as she knew it, played out for all the world to see....
Instead, I am sitting on my back deck, watching the leaves blow in the cool breeze.
Watching the dog run through the yard, barking at rabbits and squirrels who dare to enter his domain.
Searching out, and finding, the source of the loss of water from the pool every night...
It's a small leak in the return hose where there is a crack in the fitting... yes, a small and easily repaired thing... Thank goodness!
Folding towels, washing HeMan Hubby's yucky clothes from his weekend as Harry Homeowner- Home Improvement Warrior.
Getting caught up on the show's I DVR'd last week, but never found the time to watch.
Yes, today is a do-nothing day.
Or as much of a do-nothing day as I get...
And I revel in it... knowing that one week from now...
The kids will come home from school for the last time this year...
And SUMMER VACATION will officially begin...
God Help Us All!
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