I try.
Really, I do.
I try to...
Understand the man who waited until I had my blinker on and was starting to change lanes to decide he NEEDED to honk his horn at me and jump into the spot I was trying to occupy...
he must have been late to an important appointment, or a funeral or a wedding... or something.
The new high school graduate, driving along in his uber-cool convertible BMW, music at top volume, on his was down the beach, hon... as the writing all over his car proclaims...
but please GOD! let him make a decisive move and PICK A LANE... ANY lane is fine... just get into ONE!
The man at the grocery store who * did not see* the 12 people lined up at the 20 items or less aisle as he sauntered up and plopped his stuff down right in front of me???
I've lost weight, that must be why he didn't see me...
Or he was blind and I missed the cane... That could be it, right?
See, I really and truly do try ...
I sure wish everyone else would too...
Wouldn't the world be so nice?
ME and Louis Armstrong... we're trying!
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