I noticed some of the old faves are gone, replaced by things like The Event and Lone Star and $#*! My Dad Saysand oh, you know the one with that guy who does that thing and solves all the crimes in the world....?

Yeah, sometimes that's how I feel about the land of TV.
It's either all funny and fluff.
Or it's serious death and gruesomer death.
Don't get me wrong.
I like crime drama as much as the next gal... but do we need to see cadavers on EVERY channel?
And comedy?
Every one needs some comic relief in their lives. Without it I am sure we'd all implode.
But what's wrong with things that give you some information while entertaining you?
I know, I know. That's what Cable Channels are for.
Come on network TV...
More Extreme Make-Over Home Edition shows would be a welcome change of pace... and think of the lessons the young of the world would learn by watching benevolence and charity and random acts of kindness in progress!
photo courtesy of Seattlepi blogs
I am not sure what the last show I watched on television was (except news programs, that is). Having said that I think the new Michael Chiklis show, No Ordinary Family looks interesting... but who am I kidding, I probably won't watch that either.
This fall line up is hard to figure out what to watch....I have a DVR on our cable box...So, I have been trying out shows...Some of my favorites are still on....Like - Little People Big World...and 19 and counting....TLC is doing good with wholesome shows...but now they added Sister Wives. That creeps me out!!! I just watched an episode. Oh my word....And don't get me started on the new show Mike and Molly. Making fun of people who are overweight? What is wrong with this world? You know teens and other young people are going to be tuning into that show along with their parents. And when their parents laugh - they are going to think its ok to laugh at overweight people. UGH!! SVU is still on - LOVE THAT SHOW!!! And I am a geek - I like Hellcats and Supernatural...LOL....Usually I just order from Netflix shows that I love - Like Little House on the Prairie, or Charmed...weird I know...Sorry to babble.
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