( I must insert a disclamier here... do not YELL at me for making my observation above... I too have a branch or two on the family tree from West Va... actually their tree looks more like a wreath...Remember this is AMERICA and we still have freedom of speech, for now at least)
I have never tried counting the books I have read in a year.
If I did a quick mental calculation I would haveto say I have read well over 200... I read 8 books in the last 10 days alone!
I do go weeks without reading anything, then will read, like a book a day, for several months.
The other night I actually, suddenly, came to a point where I could not read another word. I was in the middle of a sentence and I just could not read any more! No emails, no blogs, no magazines... nothing. It was like my brain was full and my eyes were too tired... weird, right?
I think my brain just got too full... that must have been it... right?
Or I have a brain tumor, or alzheimer's or some terrible unknown illness... worse than the one I already have?
Oh Yay Me!
SO... if you don't see a post from me for a few days it's probably because the aneurism killed me, or because I just could not process any more thoughts due to the alzheimer's... or because I do have a life and sometimes I have to actually do stuff in that life!
Probably that last one, but hey, never hurts to be prepared now, does it?
Just ask all those Boy Scouts out there... it IS their Motto after all.
You can never have too many books. Just not enough time to read them all.
I had a college professor who insisted our brains are like infinite sponges and that we could never have too much stuff in them, because they would just absorb more and more information. I don't think he had scientific proof of this. Also he had the craziest eyebrows of anyone I have ever met.
I'm not sure why you're so worried about this post-- I think it's great! I know exactly what you mean about "reading overload", I gorge on books for days at a time, then suddenly decide I can't read another word. Like anything, you CAN have too much of a good thing.
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Confessions From A Working Mom
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