Simple Pleasures.... sounds like an adult toy store according to my husband.
To me it sounds like the little things that make life worth while.
Like being the only one up, early on a Saturday morning, to watch the sun rise in the cold, misty air.
Like having your son give you a hug goodnight, just because he felt like it.
Like the smell of freshly brewed coffee wafting into your bedroom just as you are waking.
(that one is an almost never for me, but sometimes, like when the sky is falling or an apocolypse is imminent, HeMan Hubby makes coffee for me)
Like the kids cleaning the bathroom when they are finished brushing their teeth (ok first they have to ACTUALLY brush their teeth but you get the gist)
Like the laundry finding it's way into the proper dressers and closets without intervention from me (again that almost never ever happens, but on the Once-In-a-Blue-Moon that it does... It's wonderful!)
Like having a family that loves one another and let's it show.... you know like when they play poker and only throw the pennies at each other because the quarters hurt too much. Or when they only swat each other on the back of the head when they REALLY mean it...

Those are some of my Simple Pleasures...
I'm not sure Martha Stewart would agree with me...
But as her Simple Pleasure is that she gets to wake everyday in her own home, instead of a jail cell...
I love your simple pleasures! I think mine would be when my boy is automatically brought to me when it is his breastfeeding time (which is every 3 hours or so) and the rest of the time, I'm just lying on the bed resting and sleeping...
I had the pleasure of that once... only because I was down with stomach flu and was really really tired and sick to move at all... but still... it's the best day ever.. ;p
Thanks for visiting my blog btw! :)
I LOVE this post...my friends call me Martha too but I am not even close to being Martha! Thanks for sharing it. Thanks for stopping by my blog last night...I am your newest follower. Can't wait to spend more time reading your blog...stop back by again soon...oh yea, I turn 44 next month! Hope my BD turns out as nice as yours did! :)
thanks for stopping by my blog. this baby sweater is the perfect knit for someone who doesn't knit more than scarf. nicely written and easy to understand...and slightly addictive.
My simple pleasure? Five minutes of peace. Ok, two minutes?????
great post!I love your list and ditto on the coffee one!
my simple pleasure would be going into the laundry room and finding all the clothes folded!
thanks for stopping by my blog and I will be following!
I love it! I love my morning yerba mate, yum, or when my husband lets me take a nap when I'm not feeling well, and when I wake up, the WHOLE house is clean!
Thank you for stopping by my blog :) Loved your comment. So is Chesapeake Bay in Virginia? If so, that's where my husband and I went on our honeymoon. So beautiful!
I can't remember the last time I was the only one up. My lil' dude is my alarm clock. Ah ha ha
We really need to pay more attention to all the good things in life that we tend to take for granted.
I love your blog.
Stopping by from SITS. Just had to read this one with that great title. Very true.
Oh freshly brewed coffee is truly a simple pleasure... stopping to smell the roses or feel the sun on your face... for sure! Loved your blog :)
Yeah - ditto on the laundry one too! That's a really funny pic of Martha - I wonder if it's pre or post jail.
Love your post....have you been spying on the events at my home? Cause your simple pleasures are very similar to mine!
Have a great day, stopping by from SITS!
It can be the little things that bring such joy to our hearts. Martha? She's a mean woman!
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