Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I'm Frumpy, Not Photogenic! The pictures say it all... and then some

I need a make over.
Not Want.

I live in sweats and cotton T's.
I love feeling comfortable and cozy on a cold winter day.
And, they hide a multitude of sins. Meaning the dimply thighs, love handles and flabby arms.

In my mind's eye I have a muscular athletic build.
Then I walk by a mirror, or see a photo taken without my permission (something that is expressly forbidden) and I think,' Who the Hell is that?'
And always it's when I THOUGHT I was looking pretty good.

NOPE! apparently I thought WRONG!


BTW- that's me in the orange top... awful. I. Know.

My sister once told me I always had such a great wardrobe, when I was thinner.
And she's right.

How do I know?

I still have those clothes hanging in my closet.
And they are exactly the way I see myself dressing.
(see the younger, thinner, hipper me in this pic?)

Except for this one little thing.
They're several sizes too small. And outdated. And most likley dry-rotted.

Bad hair, raggedy clothes, umpty-umm many pounds too many on the scale...


I NEED a makeover, BAD!

Stacey. Clinton. Jenny Craig? Anybody?



Dawn said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog-one more thing in common-I'd love a makeover too!!! I often dream of going on a show like Rachel Ray and getting a complete overhaul :) then I say to myself-you know what, we'd all look great if we had make up artist and hairdressers everyday :)

mepsipax said...

I would help you but I am a guy....and that probably wouldn't be such a great makeover actually. But see how I offered, that counts right?

Unknown said...

I totally hear ya. When we think we look great, get all dressed up to go somewhere nice, even if it's just a family get together...and then you see the pictures and it's like...WTF was a I thinking wearing THAT? I used to LOVE getting my picture taken now it's "Honey, only from the neck up please." And even then I'm not all that overly impressed.

Crystal Escobar said...

lol, you are so FUNNY! I think you're beautiful! If it's pounds you want to lose, you should go watch the video I made recently of what I did to lose weight :) It's under my WEIGHT LOSS section. You have such a fun personality, I'll be back cause now I'm following you.

BusyMom said...

Crystal-- you saw the pictures... if I don't laugh I think I'll cry!
Except for the good picture of me from 20 years and 4 kids ago.
If I do what you did will I get taller and have blonder hair? Cuz if so count me in!

Fat[free]Me said...

Hi Dawn, thanks for stopping by my blog. Your comment made me remember how hopeless I felt at the beginning of my weight loss journey and how amazed I am now that I actually succeeded. I took it a week at a time, sometimes a day at a time. Gradually, the pain my body was in subsided, I began to feel well again, my mood improved (well until now that is) and my life got bigger as I got smaller. It can be done and I hope you can do it too. Drop me another note if you have any questions or need support. Hugs, Kari x

Marsha Loftis said...

It unanimous we all want makeovers. I dream of spending a week in a spa and coming out gorgeous. :)

Nancy said...

Ok Dawn. We make each other laugh. We self-deprecate ourselves to death, but the truth is: you are funny, and smart, and a dedicated mom. You have GORGEOUS red hair, and lovely skin, and it isn't funny that you are so bummed out about how you look. I do the same thing to myself. And you know what? We shouldn't do it. We shouldn't give a crap if we look like someone named Crystal. Crystal!!! Really?
I'm here to say: You don't need to change ANYTHING to be fabulous. 'Cause you already are! said...

i myself, is very much in NEED of some kind of makeover. But i HATE shopping , only people who can buy off the racks enjoy shopping. Occasionally i will put makeup on. But consistancy is my main thing. I like to sleep as late as possible. I embrace the fact that it takes me 5 minutes to get ready. :)

BusyMom said...

Crystal- I too covet my sleep. I never get enough... and I figure I use a good anti-aging cram AND sunscreen laden moisturizer.... isn't that enough like makeup?
Works for me!
But as I get older I think *perhaps* I shoud start dressing and/or doing my hair so that I look like a grownup, especially since I have grownup children who look more grownup than me.