The coffee pot is broken.
There's 8 inches of snow on the ground.
It's cold!
The coffee pot is broken!
Mr.Coffee is not my friend. If he were, he would not have stopped working for me on a cold, snowy day in January.
Apparently Mr. Coffee is a tempermental employee. He has only been working for me since Thanksgiving, when the previous Mr. Coffee quit.
That Mr. Coffee worked for me for just over a year. I was sad to see that Mr. Coffee go, but for a 14.99 one time paycheck to him, I thought a year wasn't too bad.
Especially with the high volume of work he was expected to perform. Coffee at the ready nearly 24/7.
The new Mr. Coffee evidently could not handle the stress of the job. Only 3 months into it and he quit. His heating element died.
I wonder if that is like a heart attack for a Mr. Coffee?
It's a good thing we only paid 9.99 for him.
Unlike the 400.00 Italian coffee/cappucino maker that I LOVED...
It only lasted 3 years and when I tried to get it fixed I found there are no repair shops within a 2 hour drive of my home.
Cafe' Duomo is sitting, unused but not forgotten, in the basement.
And I am making coffee the hard way.
Grounds into the basket.
Boiling water PAINSTAKINGLY poured over the grounds to dribble ever so SLOWLY into the carafe.
Fingertips are now burned and scalded, but there is coffee. It's not the best coffee but....
It's coffee and that's all that matters!
It's amazing the things we will do for a cup of java. Seriously, I would be at Wal-Mart first thing in the morning to get a new one...or make a trek to the closest coffee shop.
Ours quit before Christmas, after less than a year. And it really didn't STOP working but it was annoying as hell...the basket wouldn't drain properly, would get clogged and instead of coffee in the pot we had coffee on the counter and the floor. Finally got a new one and spent almost $50 on it. It's great, we LOVE it.
Sadly- I did not budget for a new one and there is no BUDGE in the budget this month so... gotta do the bills today and figure something out!
You were asking what kind of vacuum I had...and I can't find an email address to reply to you...so you don't have to post this comment but...it's a Bissel Power Vac. It was $89.99 at WalMart and works wonders. I had a Hoover before and it used to be great but suddenly decided it did not want to do what it was supposed to anymore so we replaced it. Bissel also has a different model, a little less expensive but still works great, bought it for my brother for Christmas and he has no complaints.
And yeah...it's hard to budget for the unexpected little annoyances that come up now and again. :) Sadly, my budgeting skills are lacking in many, many areas. I can create it, just have a hard time sticking to it...and I don't think my husband knows the meaning of the word budget but he's also not a huge spender...thank god.
Stopping by from SITS and wishing you a great week!!!
i am a major coffee drinker! i do love french press! stopping in from SITS!
Stopping by from SITS and wishing you a great Friday!!! :)
Buy a pack of instant to tide you over until you get a good coffee maker. I like your blog. Dropped in from SITS. Have a good day.
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