Where does it go? Where does it come from? Why is there never enough?
I have lived a life constantly being pulled in one direction or another...usually at the same time.
I cannot even begin to estimate the number of times when I was expected to be at the ball field (most likely 2),a PTA meeting, napping for a night shift and picking one of the kids up from work at the exact same time. This was a common schedule 6 or 7 nights a week. Weekends were even more hectic, if you can believe it!
To help destress and find time... well, not really find it as once it's gone that's it, it's gone. But to allow myself some down time and hopefully, help my health, I have cut the PTA, bible study or book club, the kids sports activities and reduced my work schedule over the last year.
Have I found time? Made time? Had time to myself?
YES I have.
But, I have also found myself feeling less motivated, like I am not accomplishing what I should,maybe even less focused than I used to.
Yes, the stress is less, but other stresses have stepped up to take their place. And without the constant running, running, running pace of my previous schedule I find it hard to stay on track.
I keep telling myself I need to do laundry, the dishes, make dinner, pay bills... you get the idea. And I do a load of laundry, the dishes in the sink at that moment, the dinner ...well, kids gotta eat so it has to get done! And the bills... yes I pay the ones that HAVE to get paid when they need it, but the rest? They will still be there tomorrow, or Friday or next Monday. Oh, don't get me wrong. I do pay them, I just don't feel pressed to pay them if I can do something else, like read a good book or go to lunch with a friend or have a root canal.
So, should I go back to the hectic and crazy pace I used to live? Is that the only way I can function and get everything done... in a rush under duress?
Or we could add a few more hours to each day. Or a few more days to each week. Or another month or two... but they have to be summer months.
Or, maybe I could spend more time on the internet. Maybe find some older gentleman, with money,alone in the world, in need of a companion to leave his money to... Hmmmm, that just might work.

Or, I could have my family pitch in with the house work. The little things that keep the family up and running that would let me keep the time I so desperately need.
Oh, wait... I must have been thinking of some other family.
I don't have an Aunt Bea and our last name is NOT Partridge but...
Hey, it could happen! And some strange rich old dude might leave me a million bucks on the 8th day of the week--- Repeataday. (you know, the day between Saturday and Sunday in the new week)
I may not have much, but I still have enough left for Dreaming!
Oh, I understand....I've tried and tried to figure out a way to fit in just some hobby time, scrapbooking or something....but when it's all said and done, I can barely even fit in a shower every night.:)LOL Stopping by from SITS.
I hear you! Sign me up for Repeataday!
Stay warm on this cold and frosty morning!
I couldn't agree more. I recently had a health scare and slowed some things that I was doing down, but something always creeps up to take its space and yes, I too feel less motivated. Maybe we just need to be so busy that we don't have time to think about all the ugly things in this world. Who knows. Thanks for stopping by and telling me about your eagles at home :)
There's never enough time. NEVER. And yet I look back at my day sometimes and think: What the $%Y& did I do all day? Nothing! And yet I still had no time. I think it's some sci fi thing. Another dimension where time gets sucked out of the air...oh yeah, it's the internet!
Repeataday is a great idea! Yesterday I had one of those days, where there was not time to catch my breath. By 9 p.m. I was about ready to collapse on my feet. Hopefully today won't be quite as crazy!
I've always found that the more I try to do, the more time I can find for the important things. For me, having more to do makes the important things even more special. Thanks for stopping by my place!
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