Saturday, March 6, 2010

Ever wonder what Leprechauns do the other 364 1/4 days of the year? Now you don't have to!

You know how you have to type letters or words 'as they appear' in a box in order to confirm things online?

Is it me, or do some of them seem like they could be real words?

Things like :

copho- a hooker undercover cop?
papparus- Papa John's dad?
schiztic- a colloquial term meaning AWESOME in NY?- ie: the Greenberg's new Beamer is Schiztic! Or a swizzle stick used in a Manaschewitz wine spritzer?

I see these weird combinations of letters and am sure that somewhere there is a dictionary with them in it.

Or maybe that there should be one.

I know why the random letters/words are generated- to confirm the human element and reduce the SPAM-ability factor.
HeMan Hubby explained this to me very well... meaning I actually understood what he said.

But HOW do these letters /words get out there?
HeMan Hubby did not sufficiently explain this- meaning I have no idea what he was talking about.

So, I will stick with my theory...

That there's a little man in a computer somewhere with a little keyboard whose job is to type words from his language into the confirmation boxes everytime someone hits that 'SUBMIT' button...

What, that's not how YOU thought it worked?


Unknown said...

LMAO....That is one of the funniest things I have, in a long time. Great theory. I think I have to agree with you. Sometimes it even seems like the words could be related somehow to what you just wrote. Like an extra word you could've used in your blog and everyone would have understood. ;)

Maya said...

haha i totally agree with you!

*from sits

Cybil said...

Stopping by from SITS. I have always wondered about those letters - You have revealed the mystery!