Friday, March 12, 2010

Put One Foot in Front of the Other...

I know. I KNOW!

I've been MIA this week, but for good reason.

And what is this good reason you may ask.

Well,I have been working on one of my New Year's Not-Resolutions!

Yes, I said NOT RESOLUTION. And by this I mean I didn't make any 'Real' list of what I wanted to accomplish this year, it was more like a vague outline.

But, one of the things I wanted to do was get healthier. Eat better, feel better, work on being the me I am inside on the outside... one that I would recognize in a mirror would be helpful too, you know how that is?

I recently joined a Mom's forum called CafeMom where there are various groups and forums for Mom's to chat, talk about their kids, their jobs, their varied interests, and YES, even weight loss and getting healthy.

I wanted to see if there were any Mom's in my area that wanted to start walking with me, and HOLY COW! There were!

We started walking earlier this week. We met at a local park, took a nice walk along the trails while we got acquainted. It was really nice to find ladies in my town that could meet several times a week to walk with me.

N is my age, while L is Girlchild's age.

L has 2 small children she pushes along in the stroller, getting the added benefit of upper arm workout while the rest of us just get to plod along.

N has 5 kids, most of them the same ages as mine, and they went to the same high school. It's a small world, seriously!

It rained today so we met at the local mall, window shopping our way through 3 laps of the GINORMOUS place. GirlChild made it today and enjoyed meeting L. I knew they would get along, and L only recently moved here so it's nice that she meets some people of her generation too.

So, with meeting these lovely ladies, making arrangements to get our walking ritual in place, working AND getting TeenBoy ready for this weekend's trip...

And then there's the New Orleans trip he and I are taking for DeMolay next week...and TeenGirl's Rainbow weekend...

It's been a rather busy week at our house.

But if the choice is between active, healthy and well-traveled kids versus kids sitting at home playing video games or hanging out at the mall...

I'll take the hectic and ever-exciting life we live anyday!

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