Monday, October 4, 2010

Assume Nothing...

When WE see our children growing taller, WE assume they are growing up, naturally.

But WE are so very wrong in this assumption and as WE all know, to ASSUME is to make an ASS out of U and ME...

So, no assuming allowed.

And as they are kids, albeit bigger, broader, hungrier kids, they're not telling us what they are thinking or doing or thinking about doing now, or in the ever-looming future.

How then do WE know when our children HAVE grown up?

When WE get that phone call... the voice on the other end is filled with wonder, elated and breathy come the words...

Mom? You know, YOU were right!

And there, right there in that moment the GROWN UP has arrived...

Let's just hope WE have our hearing aide in for that call!


Anonymous said...

I like your last line - "Let's just hope WE have our hearing aide in for that call"...I seriously lost my 20's due to trauma. So, alot of that learning and maturing during those years - I never expierenced. So, I find myself often thinking I am so immature and have not grown up. I feel like I am in my 20's but trapped in a 33 year old woman's body. I am not afraid to say my age. I don't care.

And I love what you said about Assuming. That is one thing in my marriage my husband has to work on. My mother in law does it too - I hate it when someone assumes something. UGH!

Great post.

Do you have children? Obviously by this post you might?

Theresa Milstein said...

You are too funny!

I am not even close to that day. My older one may take longer to reach that stage than my younger one.

I'll probably need a hearing aide by then too.