Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Hurrier I go... The Behinder I Get!

Yes... I am behind.

In more ways than one, I have to add reluctantly, but truthfully.

My last blog post was a week ago.

Shame on me!

And, I don't even have a really good excuse, except that... no that's not a good one at all.

Never mind.

Secondly, I have gone terribly astray with this weight loss thing.
When I say I am getting behinder, I really mean my behind is, well, unfortunately, still there.

Oh, I have been walking several days a week.

I NEED to do more.

I have been eating more fresh foods like salads and vegetables.

OBVIOUSLY, I need to do better.

I have been procrastinating.

It's unbelievable, but true!

I NEED to paint the dining room and breakfast room.
I NEED to put the new trim around the coat closet, pantry and linen closet doors.
I NEED to get those cobwebs up in the corners of the family room... well, someone needs to get them!
I NEED to get my house on the market and get it SOLD!

Instead I have read lots of interesting novels, expanded my repertoire of authors, as it were; paid some bills, fretted about how to pay a lot more; and deprived myself of much needed sleep worrying about the things that I have not done or have been worried about ( those things I listed already are the problems!) so that it's all I can do to get up and do the minimum required chores and activities each day.

And thus...

The hurrier I go, the behinder I get.

Anyone know a painter that comes cheap?
I mean like, will work for food?

Yes! I can so cook... my kids just don't like real food, that's all.


Theresa Milstein said...

I love your title. I'm in the same place right now. Things need to be done, but I'm procrastinating big time. Good luck finding a painter. Wish I could help.

Karen, author of "My Funny Dad, Harry" said...

Painters are expensive I think. Save a lot of money if you do it yourself.

Stopping by from SITS.

Mary K Brennan said...

A painter that works for food? Now there's a market for that. It's been 7 seven years since I painted the house, and I have no idea how I'm going to get it done. Best of luck on your end.

alison said...

visiting from sits! girl...i am so there with you. and instead of working myself out of this black hole of behindedness....i'm strolling my way through my blogroll. it's all about priorities, i tell ya! good luck catching up!

Anonymous said...

oh how i relate to your post. not only the getting "behinder" the more I try to work at getting things done and the "hurrier" part which slows me down. ARGHHHHH....sounds like you have a lot on your plate. trying to sell a house is no fun. and if there's any urgency in that process man it can be SO SO tough. and i can SO relate to the being unable to turn the thought process off that then keeps the stress levels high too....a second ARGHHHHH. anyway, good luck on all your endeavors. may today bring more successes at all your tasks and goals.
drop by my blog if you find yourself with a free moment or two!

Unknown said...

Stopping from SITS! I hurried around so much this morning I misplaced my keys.

Lauren said...

You're preaching to the choir! Thanks for stopping by and oggling my cupcakes : ) I find it best to not dwell on the crap you didn't do and just move on from there. I hate when you make a to-do list and stuff continues to carry over from your previous one you didn't do....Stupid lists. Good luck!

Cheryl said...

I am so with you... I have a million and twelve things to do and yet here i am on the computer. Putting off the cleaning and packing I should be doing for an upcoming trip. I have weeds that need pulled, floors that need washed, dishes that should be scrubbed and put away. I should be crafting for an upcoming show. Reading would be a better alternative for me than yet one more episode of Law & Order! I just can't seem to really WANT to do some of this stuff. Good luck to you. Thanks for making me smile!