Today I am Writing the 10 Things about me that I think no one else knows...
Except HeMan Hubby. HE knows absolutely EVERYTHING about me:)
Thanks KIM@ Who Needs Sleep? for the idea and the button!
Here we go!
1. I LOVE my kids, I just don't always LIKE them...
Don't hate- they're tweens and teens with attitude!
2. The Kiddie Pageant shows scare me. Alot.
I worry that they are fodder for pedophiles...
3. I am a worrier... There! I admit it. I worry about EVERYTHING!
4. I am a procrastinator. Which only makes the worrying worse. Believe Me.
5. I never expected to get married and have children.
I was going to be a Marine Biologist and live IN the ocean!
6. After I had my first daughter I wanted to go to college to be a doctor...
a pulmonologist or a microbiologist.
7. My dream is to write a book that makes a difference in someone's life...
but I'm afraid to have someone read it... weird, huh?
8. Microbiology was my favorite subject in school... I aced my finals and the class- I was 15. Mitochondria fascinate me!
9. I had postpartum depression... I still get depressed but I don't tell anyone.
10. This is my biggest secret about myself...
I feel like I have not done what I was supposed to in this life... yet.
I'm still trying to find out what that is.
Writing these makes me nervous...
I worry that people will think badly of me...
But then, I worry about what the Mail Lady thinks, and the UPS guy and the people who live on the next court over...
I know, I know...I'm working on it!
1 comment:
I could've written numbers 3 and 4, so I totally relate there. I also agree with you completely on number 2 not only are these parents willingly making their children pedophile fodder, but they are also creating moments and ideals that the children will probably need years worth of therapy to fix.
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