Apparently there is an entire generation who judges people based on the phone they use.
Evidently using a flip phone means you are either:
1) poor and have to jump from plan to plan getting the free phone when you sign up or,
2) Technologically backward and inept.
BUT, if you carry a Blackberry or iPhone you are rich, successful, someone people want to know and hang out with.
Then there is ME.
I have an EnV texting phone. I can text, send and receive emails and photos. Oh, yeah, and make phone calls.
Go Figure!
I can afford a new phone, mine is an original EnV, with a full keyboard and really good camera, in a great ORANGE color.

And that is why I still have it. I need a new one. I have been to the phone store several times and checked out the newer EnV versions, the blackberries, the DROID.
I really liked the DROID and was about to get one but...
It doesn't come in Orange!
Actually, NO cell phones currently come in any orange-like hue.
Hey! That makes me a phone snob too!
Guess I'm not as out of the loop as my kids think I am...
or that statement means I really am...
either way I'm not getting a new phone until I can get an Orange one!
Aha... way to stick to your guns! Orange is an important feature in a phone!!
Swinging by from SITS
That is a really funny observation. Not only is it the car you drive, the clothes you wear, but the phone you use too? What next?
Stoppin' by from SITS.
My phone is just a cheap one. But someone I'll branch out to something better.
i'm a phone snob. not that i care what kind of phone i get... as long as it's pink. pink!
thanks for stopping by!
Well I'm fooling them all. Yeah, I have a blackberry. No, I didn't buy it for myself. No, I don't really know how to use it. But sure, love me for my money and success, go ahead phone snobs - I'm looking forward to the look on your face when you discover that flip phone trash like me can luck into blackberries too!
I don't think I am a phone snob, but maybe I am! I am continually amazed though at how we all tend to judge people based on their technological toys and gadgets...
Thanks for popping by my blog! Hope you come back.
You should check your local mall...there are kiosks that cell hard cell phone cases. For example, my cell is a light blue, which is nice and all, but I LOVE pink, so I bought a cute case with pink,black and white polka dots. no one would ever know it's blue underneath!! AND it's a bonus because it protects my phone when I drop it a thousand times a day.
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