The kids have been out of school since the Friday before last... the 5th?
They went to school that day, but got out at noon because the BLIZZARD was rolling in.
Then came the 39 inches of snow.
And 3 days later, 18 more inches fell on the already frozen, and not yet cleared, landscape.
They had no school last week because there were no roads or sidewalks or yards to walk or ride on to get to school. And no where for the buses to park, let alone drop off the kids, at the schools.
Tonight's news cast brought yet more unsettling and disturbing news.
Another storm, albeit smaller and with only an inch or 2 of snow, is hitting over night.
The kids will be home again tomorrow.
The roads are still icy. There are no visible sidewalks and many roads only have 1 lane that is remotely passable in a 4WD vehicle.
Just Great! NOT!
I have been thinking that the Board of Ed should start broadcasting daily assignments on the local TV stations.
The kids are going to be sadly behind, if they ever go back to school, as it is.
First grade could broadcast at 9am, 2nd at 9:30, 3rd at 10...
Middle and High School would have to have an hour each with website links posted for access to reading material and worksheets, etc.
As you can see, I HAVE put a lot of thought into this idea!
Isn't that what PBS is for?
Public Broadcasting Service...
I'm the public and I NEED my kids to have some homework broadcasted immediately!
Otherwise they'll be in school until JULY!
Tomorrow's news broadcast will probably announce there will be no school on Wednesday...
AND that summer vacation is cancelled...
Is it any wonder I HATE the cold and the snow and the WINTER?
Man! Just shoot me now and put me out of my misery!
You have a very good point. This is the information age, there are options!
You should talk to the Bloggess about this - she is in the legislature, you know.
Thanks for stopping by my blog! And I do sympathize with your snow situation. I hate that freaking white stuff.
Crazy. MA has an inch of snow, and MD is buried in the white fluff! The other day, Maryland was colder than Vancouver. I don't know how you're coping. On the upside, your Internet is up.
Theresa- one day without power- ie. internet- was bad enough! Tomorrow the kids go back to school... at least that is the word of the moment... come on 7am!
I think you're onto something with the broadcasting. In this day and age, you'd think the schools would have some kind of high tech option. I also hate the snow and cold and winter.
P.S. I'm passing the Sunshine Award on to you. Details on my blog. :-)
Hey Dawn!
Go to my blog NOW! I just gave you an award! :D
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