Due to recent events, I feel I must be honest with you.
I admit I was confused after hearing your weather forecast today for yet another winter weather event.
Having provided me with wonderfully bright and sunny weather that has begun to melt the snow these past few days (I could actually see grass today) your obvious disregard for my wants and needs can only lead me to believe that our relationship is not what I once thought it was.
I am removing you from my Favorite Channels selections and will no longer spend my morning coffee time with you to start my day.
I am sure you expected this, but even so, I am sorry if this causes you any professional distress, or loss of ratings.
I look forward to Spring and will do my best to find a new Weatherman, one who will be honest with me at all times, one who will bring me the weather I love and will give me daily guidance I can trust.
I hope that you are able to do the same.
Don't Forget the Friday Follow...
LOL that's how I feel about the constant never ending rain here. For the last year I've lived here the weather report is ALWAYS the same. "Low 50's to mid 60's. Scattered showers." Never ever ever changes.
Stopping by from SITS
Hi, found your great blog through Fri Follow. I'm now following!
I love this post! I feel the same way. I am so ready for spring and warm weather!
I'm following you from Friday Follow!
I'm a new follower and would love to have you stop by and follow me!
I can't wait for spring to get here! I am right there with ya! lol I am hoping over from Friday Follow! Following now! I hope you have a blessed weekend!
You never can trust those weathermen, can ya?
Thanks for linking up with Friday Follow! I am now your blog follower. Have a wonderful weekend and pleasure to meet ya.
~ Lynn
Stopping by from SITS...
I feel sorry for you, I do! So I won't tell you that I live in Southern California. Altho we're supposed to get rain tomorrow. Does that count?
Didn't think so.
Hi there! Thanks for joining the Blog Hop. I'm following you now. Love your blog. I'll be back later to read more.
Happy Follow Friday!
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